Pregnancy Countdown Widget-Fetal Monitor-Baby Cam!

Monday, March 23, 2009

closer to normal

Well I had my appointment today and everything went well. I am off of the total bed rest restrictions. I am very happy about this. I will be returning to work tomorrow with some restrictions. I am on light duty in a way. Dr. Dunn says I have 2 1/2 weeks to go and then I don't need to worry anymore. That will take me to 35 weeks at which point she won't do anything to stop labor if I start in again. I can live with that :)
I was able to stop into work today to let them know I'd be in tomorrow and I have somw help coming down from Phoenix to get things back to normal before state comes in....unless of course state comes in tomorrow...lets hope not. I feel good and I'm excited to be up and moving around again. I just have to take it a little slower than before and try not to over do it. I'll probably work half days for these last couple of weeks. Incase you couldn't tell...I'm very happy about this.
So thats the news for today. The baby is doing good, she is moving all over and seems to enjoy kicking me in the bladder :) (I have not lost control...yet:) Greg is doing good at school and we are still looking for openings back east. Today is my Dad's 72nd birthday so Greg and I are heading over to my parents house for a sit down dinner without the kids. It should be really nice.
That's about it for now. I will continue to give updates as they happen :)

1 comment:

Baker Family said...

yay! you can move now! But you BETTER take it easy as you were told.. its easy to over do it, just telling yourself, i'll just do this one more thing... just DONT! atleast for these last few weeks. glad to hear things are better. keep us posted =)

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