Pregnancy Countdown Widget-Fetal Monitor-Baby Cam!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

31 weeks and counting

Things are going good out. I head in for another appointment tomorrow morning. I'm 31 weeks as of Saturday. The baby is moving all over. She loves to get going at night...I'm gona have to change that somehow between now and her birth date :) Her favorite thing to do right now is get the hick-ups! She gets them several times a day..much like London did when I was pregnant with him. It's kinda funny. She's positioned so low that I feel her from the inside, but can't feel a thing on the outside.
My Mom and I got to go out on Saturday. She's been in Texas for work since the begining of January. She's finally home to stay. We went out Saturday and hit all the baby re-sale shops and garage sales. We picked up a really cute car seat. It's pink and black...girly, but not too girly. We also got a few small items. Mom and my sister Kellyn are throwing me a baby shower on April 18th so that will be a lot of fun.
The boys are having a lot of fun seeing the girl items I bring home every so often. Justice is so excited about having a baby sister. It's really cute to listen to him talk about it. He loves to say good morning to her and goodnight. He'll sit on the couch and talk to her and wait for her to move. London is doing pretty well too. He's not quite as excited, but he does seem to understand the concept and refers to her by name. He will also talk to her on occassion. I'm enjoying the comments people have been giving me about how small I am for almost 8 months! Keep them coming:) Suprisingly enough I have been eating just about everything sweet that I can get my hands on. No joke! I am a total junk food junky right now. Greg and I drove out to my Moms house tonight for no other reason than to pick up some woopie pies I called and asked her to make. I HAD TO HAVE THEM!
Well, more updates to come as they happen. Until, work work;)


kaciecooper said...

Not too much longer! :) Hey email me your address so I can send you guys a baby shower gift :)

Kacie Cooper

Baker Family said...

Hey Sheal! im getting soo excited for you!!i was a junk food junkie especially at the end...ehh. hey have you tried the oreo cakesters?? they are pretty good, and they arent whoopie pies, but a quick, easy and fairly close substitute... i will admit that was my latest addiction. well, yay for getting all the baby girl stuff, it must be extra fun to actually be shopping for the opposite! cant wait to see you and everyone in june! im so excited. oh, and i wish i could see justice talk to arris, it sound sooo sweet. give them kisses for us!

Big Brother

Big Brother

Baby London

Baby London