Pregnancy Countdown Widget-Fetal Monitor-Baby Cam!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

so let go and jump in...

What a crazy week! Well, I guess most of our weeks tend to be crazy. I don't mind really.. it just gives me something to write about. Let's see... We are excited! Greg got the job at Palo Verde High School :) He was really worried about his interview and as it turns it does in most cases... the woman was right! haha Yes, I knew he got it, they love him there. It didn't make sense that anything else would happen. Tuesday he got a call from the V. Principle offering him the job. He goes to TUSD orientation on Tuesday and then starts his teaching career on Wednesday. He'll be teaching 4 periods of 11th grade American History. Better him than me :)
Now, with that news I was forced into making arrangements for the boys. I will be working until I have the baby so it made me scramble to find something that would work. HOLY CRAP it is so expensive to put kids in day care. I have been so spoiled having my Dad watch them for the past 4 1/2 years. Totally spoiled. Grandpa will be watching the boys, but only once a week now:) On the other days the boys will be going to a friends house. It was quite amazing actually, the way I found her. An old friends stopped in my office to say hi today and during our conversation I explained my current search for affordable day care. He then asked if I would be willing to have them in a home setting. I said that would be fine and he then told me his wife was considering watching some kids during the day. I spoke with her later today and everything fell into place. It was awsome! What a blessing.
Ok, so on with my crazy week. London had his 3 year check up. We ended up taking him to see his wonderful doctor last week since he had been sick for a while only to find out he had Pneumonia. Yeah, that was great. So, Monday he had his regular check up and he was doing great, but after talking to his doctor she decided she would refer him to a speech therpist for a screening. No biggy, Justice is actually just starting speech tomorrow...add another one to the pile what the hay! So, while Dr. Miller is checking London she looks over at Justice and something caught her eye. She stops mid exam and says she needs to check something on Justice. She does and then says she thinks one of his eyes may be turned in slightly so she is going to refer him to a Opthamologist...... oh yeah keep it coming. SOOOOO, I get him in to see this great childrens opthamologist who does his exam and tells us in not so few words that he needs glasses for more than one reason. Well of course he does... it just wouldn't be right if he DIDN'T need glasses. Did he have ANY idea what my last few weeks have been like? Bring it on!
So, after work we took Justice to Nationwide Vision and he picked out some really cute SpongeBob glasses. I told him these were going to be his "magic" glasses. He's totally stoked about these things now. It's great!
Ok, so that has been my week thus far. There are many things that have happened in between the lines that no one cares to have me explain so I won't. It has been fun and it won't be over. Greg has his certification tests to take on Saturday....all freakin' day! Oh joy! Well, I hope everyone is just as busy as me and therefor offers no sympathy what so ever. I really don't mind.. besides if all this stuff wasn't happening how boring would I be? Dare I say VERY? Yes in deed.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Is it time to eat yet?

Hello all. Well, things are moving right along these days. Greg had his first interview today for a teaching position at Palo Verde High School. He did his student teaching there. We're hoping all goes well and he gets to job. It would really help us out. We'll find out next week if he is the one they picked. Greg said he was pretty nervous during the interview, but I feel pretty good about it. They really like him there. The dept. head even recommended him for the position before the end of the last semester. Hopefully things go our way... or should I say the Lords way.
Also happening today was my 23 week ultrasound. We actually got all the measurements when I went in at 18 weeks, but Dr. Dunn did another full ultrasound for fun. She got some really cool pics of Baby Aris. I have about 10-12 new pics to show off. They are a lot of fun. We got some really good ones of her profile and a great one of her face. It was so much fun watching her move around on screen. She is growing like she should. I'm measuring a few days ahead of my due date. She weighs 1lb 5oz already! We are really excited. What's really fun is that the boys are excited too. Especially Justice. He loves to sit next to me with his hand on my stomach and feel her move. He gets so excited about it. This evenening I told him it was good to talk to her so he asked her to please move for him and right after he finished she kicked. He thought that was great.
Along with those fun things London's b-day is on the 18th. He'll be turning 3! I can hardly believe it. He's growing up so fast. I still call him my Baby London. Greg tries to tell him he's a little boy, not a baby, but he insists he is Baby London. I don't help much since I can't stop saying it. London actually thinks it's part of his name :) Oh well.... as long as he doesn't go to high school thinking his name is Baby London Cooper then I think we'll be alright.
Ok, enough long windedness- if that a word- for now. Hope all is well with everyone.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

20 weeks & counting

Well, we hit the big half way mark last Saturday. 20 weeks down...hopefully not so many to go :) It's been a busy last couple of weeks for us. Greg's b-day was on the 11th... he turned 28. Greg graduated from the U of A on the 18th. As a suprise Greg's Mom flew out without him knowing for the graduation. She got to stay a few days with us. It was a lot of fun. The saturday after graduation we had a nice open house for him with cake! I love cake :)
The fun didn't stop there. Christmas came and went. We had a lot of fun with the boys and spending time with family. It's been a busy time for us to say the least.The next big items on the list are my b-day on the 5th and then Greg getting to work. He has applied at the high school he student taught at. We're hoping that works out, otherwise he'll do some substitute teaching throughout the semester.
We're really excited about the next few months. We've got a lot of things happening and are looking forward to them....most of all the birth of our little girl sometime in late April/ early May. Hope all is well with everyone else.

Big Brother

Big Brother

Baby London

Baby London