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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

10 Things About Me

Well, a friend had a really cool blog up all about herself. She called it 10 things about me, and tagged anyone who read it to do the same. I really liked it so I am going to do the same. Hopefully it won't be too boring :) If you like it please do the same because I really enjoyed reading hers and I would love to read other people's as well. Here goes it...

#1.) When I was in 6th grade I cut my bangs even though my Mom told me not to because my forhead was too short for I had any idea what that meant... and then I realized I didn't like it after all so in a moment of despare I shaved them off! haha Oh yeah baby, I even told a kid who asked me why my banged were shaved that I got hit in the head with a rock and they had to shave them off to get to the wound. (I have since repented;) What a dork. I must say that I understand the meaning of someone's forhead being too short for bangs..a lesson learned a bit too late I'm afraid :)
#2.) I have never had a nightmare.
#3.) I have been known to cover my eyes during scary movies no matter who is around which I believe has helped me keep my perfect record of no nightmares. (I do peek through my fingers makes me feel safer)
#4.) I love card games.
#5.) I have a tendancy to sound like a know it all....I don't mean to be that way, it's just how I am I guess. I like to share my opinion with people and hear their's, but I'm sure that I can come across as being controlling. I never mean to sound like I'm talking down to anyone, I just like a good conversation. I also over explain things. (if you couldn't tell) My sister is lovely enough to point that out whenever she can.
#6.) I enjoy being by myself...more than the everyday person I suppose.
#7.) I like medical watching surgery's and other medical procedures.
#8.) I have talked my way out of or run my way out of 3 times as many tickets (automobile) than I have ever had to pay for. (Not recently)
#9.) I use to love to break into old abandoned houses and buildings. Just because I thought they were so freakin' cool looking.
#10.) I tend to have more boy friends than girl friends. Girls never seemed to like me as much. Go figure.


The Santini Stew said...

I like you!!!

Baker Family said...

you've never had a nightmare?? wow. and your bangs story scares me b/c maddi is starting to get very sneaky, and she is just crazy enough to do something like cut her own hair. of course we keep the scissors up, but you always hear of it happening (my niece has done it to herself 3 times!!!!) and maddi pretty much idols her...scary!

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